by | Jul 10, 2024

Build Brick: 10 Powerful Tips for Stunning Structures 2024


The Resilience and Beauty of Brick Building

When it comes to creating durable and timeless structures, build brick is a term that stands tall. Whether you’re planning a sturdy walkway or an elegant patio, understanding the history and architectural significance of brick can bring your vision to life quickly.

Quick Insights:

  • Historical Roots: Bricks have been used since 7000 BC, starting in ancient Mesopotamia.
  • Architectural Significance: Bricks offer durability, aesthetic appeal, and thermal efficiency.

For homeowners in Essex County, MA, and the North Shore, the appeal of brickwork is multifaceted. Not only do bricks provide strength and longevity, but they also offer a classic aesthetic that can enhance the overall value and beauty of your property.

Imagine your new brick patio or walkway—reliable, attractive, and ready to withstand the test of time. This dream isn’t out of reach. With the right materials, tools, and some guidance from experts, you can turn it into a reality.

The Benefits of Brick Building Infographic - build brick infographic brainstorm-6-items

The Basics of Brick Building

Choosing the Right Bricks

Selecting the right bricks is crucial for your project’s success. Bricks come in various types, each designed for specific uses and conditions.

  • Severe Weathering (SW) Bricks: These are the toughest bricks, ideal for foundations, patios, and garden walls. SW bricks can handle direct contact with the ground and moisture.
  • Medium Weathering (MW) Bricks: Suitable for above-ground exterior work, MW bricks can withstand freezing temperatures but should not touch the ground directly.
  • No Weathering (NW) Bricks: These are for interior use only, perfect for indoor walls where they won’t be exposed to harsh weather.

Essential Tools for Bricklaying

Having the right tools can make your bricklaying project much smoother. Here are some must-haves:

  • Trowel: Used for spreading mortar. A pointed trowel helps you apply mortar with precision.
  • Level: Ensures each brick is laid perfectly horizontal. A 4-ft level is ideal for larger walls, while a small torpedo level is great for individual bricks.
  • Hammer: Specifically, a club hammer, useful for breaking bricks into smaller pieces when needed.
  • Mortar Mix: The adhesive that holds your bricks together. You’ll need a mixing bucket to prepare it.


Laying bricks involves several key techniques to ensure a durable and attractive wall.

  1. Mixing Mortar: Combine sand, cement, and water to create a smooth, workable mix. The consistency should be like peanut butter.
  2. Laying the First Row: Start by spreading a layer of mortar on your foundation. Place the first brick and tap it gently with the trowel handle to set it.
  3. Checking Levels: After placing each brick, use your level to make sure it’s perfectly horizontal and aligned with the previous brick.
  4. Applying Mortar: For subsequent rows, spread mortar on the top of the previous row and the end of each brick before placing it.

Bricklaying Tools - build brick

With these materials and tools, you’re well-equipped to start your bricklaying project. Next up, we’ll delve into planning your brick structure, ensuring your design is both practical and beautiful.

Planning Your Brick Structure

Calculating Brick and Mortar Needs

To build a sturdy and attractive brick structure, careful planning is crucial. Let’s start with how to calculate the number of bricks and the amount of mortar you’ll need.

1. Design and Measurements:
Begin by sketching your design. Note the dimensions of your planned wall. For example, if you’re building a wall that’s 2 feet tall and 6 feet long, you’ll need precise measurements to calculate the number of bricks.

2. Nominal Size:
Bricks come in different sizes, but the combination of brick and mortar is called the “nominal” size. This is important for accurate calculations. For instance, if a brick is 2¾ inches high and 8¼ inches long, these dimensions include the mortar thickness.

3. Mortar Thickness:
Typically, mortar joints are about ½ inch thick. This needs to be included in your calculations to ensure you get the right number of bricks.

4. Quantity Estimation:
To estimate the number of bricks, divide the wall’s height by the height of one brick (including mortar) and the wall’s length by the length of one brick (including mortar). For our 2×6 ft wall example:
– Height: ( \frac{24″ \text{ (2 feet)}}{2¾”} \approx 9 \text{ rows} )
– Length: ( \frac{72″ \text{ (6 feet)}}{8¼”} \approx 9 \text{ bricks per row} )

Thus, you’ll need ( 9 \times 9 = 81 ) bricks. Always buy a few extra bricks for cuts and damages.

Laying the Foundation

A strong foundation is essential for any brick structure. Here’s how to prepare it:

1. Digging the Trench:
Dig a rectangular trench the length and width of your wall, about 1 foot deep. If your wall is over 2 feet tall, you might need a deeper or wider trench.

2. Installing the Footer:
The footer is the concrete base that supports the wall. Make sure it has proper water drainage to prevent pooling, which can cause wall failure. Fill the trench with concrete up to the top of your guideposts, leaving space for the first row of bricks.

3. Concrete:
Mix and pour the concrete, ensuring it’s smooth and level. Use a finishing trowel to even out the surface. The concrete needs 2-3 days to set, so use this time to gather your supplies and finalize your measurements.

4. Water Drainage:
Ensure the footer has good drainage. Water pooling around the footer can weaken the structure, leading to potential sagging or collapse.

With your foundation in place, you’re ready to move on to the next steps in building your brick structure. Stay tuned as we dive into the details of preparing the site and constructing the wall.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building with Bricks

Preparing the Site

1. Clearing the Area:
Start by clearing the area where you plan to build. Remove any debris, plants, or obstacles that might interfere with your work.

2. Leveling the Ground:
Use a shovel and a spirit level to ensure the ground is flat. An uneven surface can cause your wall to lean or collapse.

3. Setting Guideposts:
Drive guideposts into the ground at each end of where your wall will be. These posts should be as tall as your wall and spaced 2-4 feet apart. Use a level and tape measure to ensure they are straight and aligned.

Constructing the Wall

1. Mixing Mortar:
On a tarp, mix five parts sand to one part cement. Add water slowly until the mixture is smooth and creamy. You can use a shovel or a mortar mixer for this.

2. Laying the First Row of Bricks:
Spread a layer of mortar along the ground where your string line runs. Lay the first row of bricks end to end, applying about 10mm of mortar between each brick. Use a small torpedo level to check each brick for levelness.

3. Checking Levels:
After laying each row, use a 4-foot level to check the entire row. Adjust the bricks as needed to ensure they are all level.

4. Cutting Bricks for the Second Row:
For the second row, offset the bricks by half a brick. If the wall is not a loop, cut one of the bricks in half using a chisel and hammer. Continue this pattern for each subsequent row.

Finishing Touches

1. Soldiering:
At the top of your wall, consider using a soldier course. This involves placing bricks vertically to create a distinct texture and finish.

2. Headers:
You can also use headers, where bricks are laid perpendicular to the wall. This adds strength and a unique look to your structure.

3. Cleaning:
Once the wall is complete, use a dry bristle brush to clean off any excess mortar. This will give your wall a neat and professional appearance.

By following these steps, you can build a brick wall that is both sturdy and visually appealing. Next, we will explore advanced brick building techniques to take your project to the next level.

Advanced Brick Building Techniques

Building Arches and Curves

Creating arches and curves with bricks adds a touch of elegance to any structure. It’s not only about aesthetics but also about mastering the technique.

Templates and Keystone:
When building an arch, the first step is to create a template. This template serves as a guide for laying the bricks in a curved pattern. The keystone, which is the central brick at the top of the arch, locks all the other bricks into place.

Support is crucial during the construction of arches and curves. Use wooden forms or scaffolding to hold the bricks in place until the mortar sets. This ensures the arch doesn’t collapse under its own weight.

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Create a Template: Cut a wooden template to the desired shape of your arch.
  2. Lay the Bricks: Start from the bottom and work your way up, placing the keystone last.
  3. Remove the Support: Once the mortar has set, carefully remove the wooden forms.

Decorative Brickwork

Decorative brickwork can transform a plain wall into a piece of art. There are various patterns and bond styles you can use to achieve this.

Patterns and Bond Styles:
Herringbone: This pattern features bricks laid in a zigzag pattern, offering both strength and visual appeal.
Basketweave: Pairs of bricks are laid at right angles to each other, creating a woven effect.
Running Bond: Bricks are laid in staggered rows, which is simple yet effective for making areas appear larger.

Color Mixing:
Using different colored bricks can add depth and character to your structure. For instance, mixing slate tiles with red bricks can create a striking contrast.

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Choose Your Pattern: Decide on the pattern or bond style that suits your design.
  2. Lay the Bricks: Follow the chosen pattern meticulously, ensuring each brick is level.
  3. Mix Colors: If using multiple colors, plan the layout to distribute the colors evenly.

By mastering these advanced techniques, you can create iconic structures that stand out. Whether it’s an elegant arch or a decorative wall, the possibilities are endless with brick building. Next, let’s dive into how George Hardscaping can help you build your dream project.

Build Brick with George Hardscaping

At George Hardscaping, we turn your brick-building dreams into reality. Our expertise covers a range of projects, from patios to custom firepits. Let’s explore some of the ways we can help you build with brick.


Imagine a cozy outdoor space where you can relax and entertain. A brick patio is not only durable but also adds charm to your home. Our team at George Hardscaping uses high-quality materials to ensure your patio withstands the test of time and weather.

Benefits of a Brick Patio:
Durability: Brick patios can last for decades with minimal maintenance.
Aesthetic Appeal: Bricks come in various colors and styles, allowing for a customized look.
Eco-Friendly: Bricks are a sustainable choice, often made from natural clay.


A brick walkway can guide guests through your garden or lead them to your front door, creating a welcoming path. Our skilled craftsmen pay attention to every detail, from the initial design to the final brick laid.

Advantages of Brick Walkways:
Safety: Bricks provide a non-slip surface, reducing the risk of falls.
Versatility: You can choose from different patterns and colors to match your home’s style.
Easy Repair: If a brick gets damaged, it’s easy to replace without disturbing the entire walkway.

Retaining Walls

Retaining walls serve a functional purpose, such as preventing soil erosion, while also enhancing the landscape design. At George Hardscaping, we build strong and attractive retaining walls using brick.

Why Choose Brick Retaining Walls:
Strength: Bricks can hold back large amounts of soil and withstand pressure.
Longevity: Properly built brick retaining walls can last for many years.
Visual Appeal: A well-designed retaining wall can become a focal point in your garden.

Custom Firepits

A custom firepit can transform your backyard into a cozy gathering spot. Whether you prefer a traditional round design or something more modern, George Hardscaping can create a firepit that fits your vision.

Features of Custom Brick Firepits:
Customization: Choose the shape, size, and brick type to match your outdoor space.
Heat Resistance: Bricks are excellent at withstanding high temperatures, making them ideal for firepits.
Enhancement: A brick firepit adds value and beauty to your property.

Ready to start your brick-building project? With George Hardscaping, you can build brick structures that are not only functional but also beautiful. Contact us today to bring your vision to life!

Frequently Asked Questions about Building with Bricks

Is it cheaper to make your own bricks?

Making your own bricks can seem like a cost-saving idea, but it comes with challenges. Materials and equipment for brick-making can be expensive and time-consuming to set up. Plus, homemade bricks may lack the durability and consistency of commercial ones.

In most cases, buying bricks is more economical and ensures quality. According to Forbes, using high-quality bricks can save you money on repairs and replacements over time.

Can I build a brick wall myself?

Yes, you can build a brick wall yourself, but it’s not a simple task. A DIY brick wall requires planning, patience, and the right tools. Start with a small project like a garden wall to get the hang of it.

Essential tools you’ll need include:
– Trowel
– Level
– Hammer
– Mortar mix

For more complex projects, hiring a professional can save you from costly mistakes. According to Forbes, an experienced mason ensures structural integrity and compliance with local building codes.

Is it more expensive to build with brick?

Building with brick can be more expensive initially compared to other materials like wood or vinyl siding. However, bricks offer long-term savings due to their durability and low maintenance.

Brick homes can last up to a century and often have a higher resale value. As noted by Forbes, brick siding can significantly boost your home’s curb appeal and ROI.

Got more questions? Contact George Hardscaping for expert advice and services!



Building with bricks is not just about aesthetics or durability; it’s also a sustainable choice. Traditional brick kilns have been known to contribute significantly to air pollution. However, innovative solutions like compressed stabilized earth bricks (CSEB) are changing the game. According to Forbes, these eco-friendly bricks reduce carbon emissions and construction costs by up to 25%. This technology is particularly beneficial in disaster-prone areas, offering a dual solution for environmental and structural challenges.


When it comes to aesthetics, bricks offer a timeless appeal. Whether you’re looking to create a rustic garden wall or a modern patio, bricks can be customized to fit any style. Using differently-colored tiles, like slate, can add unique textures and colors to your brick structures. This customization allows for endless design possibilities, making your project truly one-of-a-kind.

George Hardscaping

At George Hardscaping, we pride ourselves on turning your brick-building dreams into reality. From patios and walkways to retaining walls and custom firepits, our expertise ensures your project is built to last. We use only the highest quality materials and employ skilled craftsmen to deliver exceptional results.

Ready to start your next project? Contact George Hardscaping today for expert advice and top-notch services!

Building with bricks offers a blend of sustainability, aesthetics, and durability. At George Hardscaping, we’re here to help you create iconic structures that stand the test of time.